Price includes materials, refreshments and delicious, locally sourced lunch – and take home three beautiful notebooks you've bound yourself.

The course will introduce students to three basic book structures. These form the foundation for further more advanced processes.

The course is suitable for complete beginners or for anyone with a little knowledge wishing to learn more.

Over the course of the day, you will have completed three notebooks:

  • A single section hardback notebook. Quarter bound in cloth, paper sides and cut flush edges.
  • A single section hardback notebook. Quarter bound in cloth, paper sides and case bound with ‘squares’ (little lip round the edge).
  • A soft back notebook with a pre foiled cover.

During the course you will be taught the correct terminology, alongside the hands-on tutorial, plus a few tricks of the trade along the way.

“I had a wonderful time, despite being unable to judge the middle of anything! Mr Grech was a very encouraging teacher, with endless patience. I shall be practising notebook making with enthusiasm, as I think this is something I could really enjoy and find useful.”
Workshop participant

What to expect

A skilled tutor and like-minded people keen to share their ideas develop new skills in a really friendly, creative environment. There’ll be mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks for tea and cake, and a lunch break with food from Saltaire’s famous Edward Street Bakery.

What to bring with you

An apron and a notebook. All materials will be provided but if you would like to bring something of your own to use, please feel free to do so.

Price includes refreshments and delicious, locally sourced lunch.

Making the People Powered Press' workshop Covid-safe

Although we’re opening the People Powered Press at the very moment restrictions are being lifted nationwide, we’re making sure that the workshop is designed and equipped to keep you safe and comfortable now, and in the event of any future developments.

So here’s what's being to make the People Powered Press a safe, creative place.

  • Staff will be tested for Covid twice a week.
  • The space will be well ventilated, using our in-built extraction system and windows when needed.
  • We have sanitiser stations around the space and there are wipes for cleaning surfaces and shared equipment.
  • Masks will be worn inside the building if and when official guidance indicates that they should.
  • We will provide workspace dividers if and when official guidance indicates that we should.
  • BOOK WITH CONFIDENCE: if your workshop has to be postponed, your ticket will still be valid for the rescheduled event. If you're not able to get to it, we will offer you a full refund.

We’ll regularly review all these measures against the latest government guidance, and we hope that this will reassure you that you’re in a comfortable, safe environment, and that we’re taking your safety very seriously indeed.


All proceeds from this workshop will be used to support the People Powered Press' work with community groups around the Bradford district, amplifying local voices and spreading words worth spreading.